Sign up for a rewarding job while earning excellent pay and bonuses!
Great com/hab opportunities available at home and in the community.
Full/ partial coverage okay!
Boro Park:
*Female for teenage girl 16 Ave.59 St. Sun. 4:30-7
*Female for 12 -yr-old boy 16 Ave.59 St. Mon & Wed 4:30-6:30 &/or Friday afternoons
*Mentor for male adult, evenings & weekends, flexible hours
*Male to learn and do activities with high functioning young man, 16 th Ave., Low 40’s
Mon- Thurs 7/7:30-9/9:30 Sun. 5:30-8:30
* High functioning teenage girl Foster Ave, Sun, evenings
Staten Island:
*Male for high functioning boy evenings.
*Female for High functioning teenage girl, Kings Highway, Mon. and Wed. 5:25-/7:30
*Female, L and E.36 St., Tuesdays 2:45 -4:45
*High functioning teenage girl, Kings Highway Mon., and Wed. 5:25-7/7:30
Far Rockaway:
*Male to transport and shadow high functioning, down syndrome teenage boy to Sunday program
Sunday afternoons.
Valley Stream:
*Female for young lady Fridays and Sundays
Kew Gardens/Hillcrest:
Male in mornings for high functioning adult with disability to accompany on outings, to
arcades and to the zoo; to shop with him and to help organize his apartment.
Partial coverage ok.