Easy part time job (no experience required) Contact Information Contact Ethan Raphael Leonard Phone:

Job Description

Easy part time job (no experience required)
Contact Information
Contact Ethan Raphael Leonard
Phone: 8326335850
More Information
Arrange a meeting with someone to discuss my product. Try to sell the product the product, but even if you fail, you will make decent money. Of course, youll make a lot more if you do sell.(Please sell!) Theres also a bonus for giving away a set of free trials.
The product is a piece of software I made. It performs data analysis on spreadsheets of data. It will look through the spreadsheet and find results that are significant.
If you tried to sell but failed: $50
If you failed to sell but gave away the free trial: $75
If you sold: $50+10% of each license you sold
You live on campus, so you find a college professor who teaches 25 students. You send them an email, telling them that you discovered a cool new tool to help their students. You ask if they have 30 minutes to discuss it with you. You meet, show them how it works, and they ask the dean to buy it for their students. You make $300.
$100/license 25 students 10% + $50 = $300
You know a small business owner at your shul, who doesnt really know a lot about data analysis, but knows that its an important way for businesses to find their mistakes. You ask them to meet, and they DONT agree to buy, but they agree to take a free 1-year license for everyone at their company. You make $75.
$25 free-trial bonus + $50 = $75
You know someone who runs a nursing home or has to manage other medical data. Since patient records have to be very carefully guarded, they cant use just any software to analyze it. Mine is one of the few that are legal to use on patient records. You tell them about this, but they arent interested at all. You make $50.
You cannot just pick any person to pitch to. It has to be a person that is able to buy several licenses and has reason to buy several licenses.
Text me at 832-633-5850 if youre interested, and Ill explain to you as best as I can how to sell this product and make good money.
You can also check out the product website at
and the youtube channel with tutorials at
Good luck!